Sunday, September 22, 2013

Getting To Know You, Getting to Know All About You - Chali's First Online Assignment

  1.  Most recently, I am from Fort Atkinson, WI, about 50 minutes away from Madison. I was born and lived for a while in Leadville, Colorado. 
  2. I listen to NPR and WPR habitually; I enjoy waking up to Morning Edition when I get the change.  I read Isthmus, Madison's weekly newspaper, for local news and music events, and Wisconsin State Journal nearly every day. For "big data" and cultural commentary, I love reading The Atlantic and The New Yorker. I also enjoy reading the Madison Police Incident Reports, which creeps people out sometimes (?). 
  3. The Thick of It, mostly because I wish I could swear like Malcolm Tucker. 
  4. "Hashtag, don't care" as said in a slow, sing-song-y voice. My roommate is on the UW sailing team, and I'm told they use it quite often. It's carried into our debates about who should do the dishes...
  5. Reality TV, like Honey Boo Boo or Duck Dynasty. Guilty pleasures are fine, but... that's all you can do when you're bored/tired? 
  6. How about some RJD2, some of The Roots, Gramatik, or a little Tribe? 
  7. I work at WSUM 91.7FM, our campus radio station, so this is shameless marketing to all you journalism majors: 

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